Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Photos from Thanksgiving...

Oh man... sorry guys! I signed back on here to post some photos from this weekend and realized my Thanksgiving post (yes, that would be NOVEMBER) was still in draft form and that I had never even put that one up... sorry!!!

So, now I will do three posts of highlights from the past 6 weeks!


(not a holiday here of course, but we thought we'd introduce our friends to the "American way" of inhaling a ridiculous amount of food and then promptly falling asleep!

Claire (left) was the one soul brave enough to help Beth (right) and I cook all day... well, I don't know that anything I did could be qualified as cooking... But Beth was awesome! :o)

Me and Claire "helping" - and snacking!

The Americans

Removing the turkey guts! This is why we gave the unsuspecting South African this job!

Thankfully Beth was a Thanksgiving pro...

A little break to watch the Thanksgiving episodes of "Friends" while the food cooked :o)

Becoming an American already... full of snacks before dinner even started! We all know that kind of pain well...

Sweet potatoes in SA are white, and plain marshmallows are pink - this made for a very odd looking American dish...

Paul carved the turkey the only way he imagined how - with scissors. A little South African flair to Thanksgiving.

The spread...

The food turned out so well... the friends are still talking about it :o) I think this may become South African tradition as well!

Good friends, good food, good times...