Friday, July 18, 2008

He's Pulled It Off Again!!!

(Photo: During his days of sleep last week)
Hello everybody! Sorry for the delay in posting. Believe it or not, last week was FAR BUSIER than the "Day In the Life" week I'd written out the day before! This was mostly due to the fact that our little miracle boy, who was still in the hospital, began having seizures every 90 seconds out of nowhere last Monday night. The seizures were in his eyes rather than causing the rest of his body to shake. Since they were happening so often, his brain had no recovery time and he stayed asleep for 3 days straight while the doctor's tried to stop what was happening. Thankfully they were able to get them under control and last night he went in for the operation to repair his scarred trachea. In a 5 hour surgery, they removed a 1 cm section from the middle of his trachea and joined the two sections.
The doctors warned us that he may not survive the surgery, but I got to see him in ICU at 7:30 last night! They are trying their best to keep him sedated to give him the best chance to heal (this is our last and only shot to save his little life) but, as usual, he is fighting the sedation like no body's business! I rested my hand on his forehead this morning and he started wiggling around, even with his eyes closed! The doctors just used the same incision spot from his heart surgery in April.
God must have an incredible plan for this little life! Honestly, I've prayed that God would make it quick one way or the other. To see him suffering while I've been there everyday for the past 3 weeks has been wretched, and I've just prayed that God would either take him or heal him because this middle ground is torture (definitely more for him even than us)! Hopefully this surgery will be successful and then a quick recovery should follow!!!
Kim, the woman I used to lead my small group of high schoolers with, just posted this song on her blog. I went and listened to it and love it! It seemed so fitting for what it has been like to watch this baby beat the odds 3 times now when the doctors predicted death each time (hopefully this is the last time anyone will even have to wonder!):
"I saw what I saw and I can't forget it
I heard what I heard and I can't go back
I know what I know and I can't deny it
Something on the road cut me to the soul
Your pain has changed me
Your dream inspires
Your face a memory
Your hope a fire
Your courage asks me what I'm afraid of and what I know of Love...
I say what I say with no hesitation
I have what I have and I'm giving it up
I do what I do with deep conviction
Something on the road cut me to the soul
Your pain has changed me
Your dream inspires
Your face a memory
Your hope a fire...
Your courage asks me what I'm afraid of
Your courage asks me what I am made of...and what I know of Love...and what I know of God"
-Sara Groves, "I Saw What I Saw"
Please, please pray that this baby will make it through to the other side of all of this! He is such an angel boy! Until this past weekend, I hadn't seen him smile or make a noise for 3 weeks. He would just watch me quietly or want to be held and rocked to sleep. This weekend he grabbed a handful of my hair and started pulling and found it to be hilarious! I was so excited just to see him laugh that I have now been fully encouraging bad habits that his house mom will have to worry about breaking later! :o) In the midst of all of this, it turns out he's been teething and that both of his front teeth have come through! He never cried, except for when I put him back in his bed to leave, so I didn't even know!
Okay friends, I'm off to the movies and then to see "my" baby :o)
Lots of love...

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